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The most comprehensive information available about veterinary practices in Kenya, the services they offer and the facilities they provide. You can also use this service to search for pet stores and pet sitters. in Kenya

Veterinary Practice

(10 Listings)

Pet Store

(5 Listings)

Grooming Services

(3 Listings)

Pet Boarding

(6 Listings)


(3 Listings)

Welfare and Rescue

(5 Listings)
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How It Works

Advertise your products and services, increase your reach and manage your online reputation all on one page.
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By creating an account you can advertise your business as well as rate and review other businesses.
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Manage your business
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News and Tips

How to make your cat respond to his name

Teaching your cat to respond to their name can take some time and patience, but here are some tips to help make the process easier: Use positive reinforcement: When you...

My Cat does not Respond to his name

Why doesn't my cat respond to his name? There can be several reasons why a cat may not respond to their name. Here are some possible explanations: Unfamiliarity: If you...

How to Choose the Best Name for Your Cat

Naming your cat can be a fun and creative process, but there are some important factors to consider when choosing a name for your cat. Here are some things to...

Most common cat names in Kenya

Nyota Simba Paka Kali Nala Zawadi Zuri Tofauti Taji Zuri Binti Malkia Bahati Jambo Tunda Kito Sasa Mrembo Suki Wazi