Contact Information
- Phone0723082862
- Emergency Contact0724749764
- Physical AddressElgon View Drive Eldoret
- Website
- Facebook
- House Visits
- General Surgery
- Vaccination
- Microchipping
- Boarding
- Spay and Neuture
- Dentistry
- Laboratory Services
About this Veterinary
A modern mixed animal clinic in Eldoret. Northernrift veterinary clinic is a mixed veterinary practice. This means we deal with both large and small animal cases. WE pride in having a wide client base and developed enough to handle the veterinary medical problems presented. We are privileged to serve our clients every day. If you aren’t currently a client of ours we welcome the opportunity to meet you and your pets. Check out the many services we offer or give us a call if you have any questions. Better yet, stop by for a tour and meet our staff! We’d love to have the chance to surpass your expectations and provide you the service you can always count on. You can really count on us to care.